OverDrive API Notices
SERVICES DEGRADED - Monday 18 August 2014 - RESOLVED
OverDrive Partners,
Although service disruptions continue across North America with one of our cloud service providers, OverDrive has successfully restored service to our streaming video product. … more
SERVICES DEGRADED - Monday 18 August 2014 - UPDATE
OverDrive Partners,
Although service disruptions continue across North America with one of our cloud service providers, OverDrive has restored partial service to our streaming video product. Next … more
SERVICES DEGRADED - Monday 18 August 2014 - UPDATE
OverDrive Partners,
We continue to be affected by service disruptions across North America with one of our cloud service providers. The OverDrive APIs were unaffected by this disruption. However, … more
SERVICES DEGRADED - Monday 18 August 2014
OverDrive Partners,
We are experiencing outages across North America with one of our cloud service providers. You may experience outages with the OverDrive APIs. Next update in 60 minutes.
Thanks … more
OverDrive Maintenance Window - AUGUST
OverDrive Partners,
This is a reminder about OverDrive's monthly IT maintance window, which occurs on the 3rd Thursday of every month, beginning at 6 AM EST.
This month's window will be 21- … more
HOLDS API - Suspend-a-hold live!
OverDrive Partners,
The suspend-a-hold feature is now live for digital library collections, and the APIs have been updated today to match. The Holds API page now has instructions and new … more
HOLDS API - Suspend-a-hold functionality is here!
OverDrive Partners,
The suspend-a-hold feature is now live for digital library collections, and the APIs have been updated to match. The Holds API page now has instructions and new examples to … more
MAINTENANCE developer.overdrive.com - AUGUST 4 - COMPLETE
OverDrive Partners,
Maintenance for the OverDrive Developer Partner Website (http://developer.overdrive.com) has been completed. The site is now available.
-The OverDrive API Team more
MAINTENANCE developer.overdrive.com - AUGUST 1
OverDrive Partners,
The OverDrive Developer Partner Website (http://developer.overdrive.com) will be updated on August 1, beginning at 8 AM EST.
This maintenance is expected to take less than 2 … more
SERVICES DEGRADED - Patron Authentication - Tuesday 24 June 2014 - RESOLVED
OverDrive API Partners
Over the past three weeks, we have been analyzing the traffic to our Patron Authentication API in an attempt to diagnose intermittent outages. We have found that the outages … more